Summit Speaker Day #14 Andrew Booth
Conscious Living Global introduces, Andrew Booth-Australia
Andrew Booth, a personal trainer, and health coach has combined his personal and business experience to create a unique world class offering for assisting your health journey. Andrew has personally rehabilitated several times from major trauma, burning off obesity and chiseling himself into an athlete including achieving this at 50 years young, outperforming young personal trainers in their prime. Andrew grew up in a medical family, originally an athlete, then a business process consultant, he has spent over 20 years identifying gaps and opportunities in industries and world renown businesses, building world-class business processes. In that 20 years, he never failed to deliver. Andrew decided to turn the misfortune of several major accidents and rehabilitation into an inspiring example, switching his career to his passion for rebuilding health and is constantly evolving systems and processes for you and your health. Andrew firmly believes in a holistic approach to health that puts your unique and sacred life at the center. Set your health free, take the helm and lead your health to however far you want to take it, by accessing the right knowledge, fuel and processes that drive your meaning via the gift of your vessel: heart, body, and mind.
If this sounds like you, message Andrew at
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