Precious Souls – Welcome to my very own devised mentoring that is just for YOU.
I have created this 3 month Mentoring Programme to help you Transcend all those problems and issues that you have held on to as part of your Cellular Structure from the early stages of your life. If you feel ready to let go of all those things that are, in appearance, dragging you down, whether it be physical pain in the body, a way of life or job that no longer gives you enjoyment, or simply you wish to aid yourself simply to live in your JOY and enhance what you already do, to its full potential this is the course for you. I help you make the transition from brain to heart, and along the way help you to listen to your intuition, and follow it, so disappointment becomes a thing of the past, as MAGIC begins to unfold for you.
In taking the time for you, your life can change beyond what you have ever imagined, and your DREAMS no matter what they are can become manifest in your life.
12 Sessions over a 3 month period – The sessions can either be conducted with me in person, or online over a webinar medium, where they can be recorded so you can have a record of how far you have come
To find out more information please email, where I will arrange a chat with you to tell you more
If you feel inspired to completely change your life you can do the 6 month intensive Coaching Certificate Programme. This includes the work required to clear your own vessel to a space of heartfelt soul, and through it provides the tools that you require to help others to do the same.
It is intensive and life changing for you, and will also be for the many people that you can help beyond.
If you are in a field of work that offers helpful advice to others already, then this will grately enhance your ability to help them further as you will be able to see even more clearly what the blocks are for them in achieving their outcomes and goals in life.
24 Sessions over a 6 month period – The sessions can either be conducted with me in person, or online over a webinar system, where they will be recorded and sent to you, so you can have your own reference library.
To find out more information, please email, where I will arrange a chat with you to tell you more