As a Medical Intuitive, I can see deeply as to what is hindering animals as well as people from their true JOY and health.
I have had wonderful success in helping animals on all levels.
Animals respond very well to healing as they have no hindrances in their mind to block or hinder its progress, so treatment to healing can be extremely quick.
I look forward to helping your animals to find their JOY and health.
In regards to sessions for your animal. I can help with all things that you may wish to have help with from dis-ease in the body, showing up as an ailment, to behavioural issues.
Sessions can be done in person, and also remotely, as long as I can be present with both you and the animal in a “crisis” situation and assist as quickly as possible wherever you happen to be in the world.
Session price = £40 for 1 hour | Book now
There are many of us in the world who dream of helping animals… I am here to tell you that no matter who you are YOU CAN… Every single human being has the capability of being a pristine vessel of healing for fellow humans and our animal brothers and sisters.
In order to heal effectively first connection to our pure true selves needs to be made…
This is why I have created a two part course for the practice of Animal Healing
Part One: Preparation for Healing with Animals
In this course the focus is all about connection with self and our ability to heal… As I said ALL people have this ability. This part of the course connects you, no matter who you are, or your healing ability, to the fullness of YOU, and takes you forward to fulfil your dreams of working with animals.
This course is 6 weekly 1 hour sessions and costs £360 (Instalment options available)
To Book Email:
Part Two: Certification in Animal Healing
This course goes much more in depth with healing technique, psychic ability, and how perception of a presented situation, on a higher plain can create miracles in healing.
All people have the ability to become healer’s, as it is part of who you are. During this course, you will learn how to see animals and their workings on all levels.
More often than not, animals have “people problems”. They are such LOVING things, that they take on other people’s pain for their own. In this course you will learn how to spot such things, and remove it from them, so they too are free to express who they truly are. Every animal is unique and DIVINE, just like every person, and they too have lessons to learn and to give. There is no separation. In spending time with them, and learning how they are in their purity, you also discover more about people, as we are the same in how we do things. So in learning more about animals, you learn more about people also.
Animals are LOVED so dearly, as they are what we as people strive to become, so in learning and spending more time with them, and learning the process of healing around them, you become more aware and understanding of all that live in our world.
This is a 6 month, 24 weekly 1 hour sessions £1500 (which can be split into instalments)
For each course I will require a brief consultation with you, which is free, to see where you wish to go with your healing practice, and if what I am offering is right for you. Sessions for both courses and treatments can be done via the web, and course sessions will be recorded, so you can have a full package to keep and refer too for the future.
Please Email: if you wish to know more.
Thank you